Montag, 11. Januar 2010

They say they are lonely

There are such people in our lives who are like people-complainers. They are complaining about everything in their lives and they are not satisfied with this life and this world and people around them. They say they are lonely and they have no one to talk to and they have no one to share their feelings with and so on and so forth. They say they are lonely and there is no such a person in the world who would be next to them and who would listen to them and the whole stuff. Considering the fact that all of the friends of such a person know this story by heart we may say he or she is lying to himself and to people around. They are lying because they don’t know what the loneliness is and they have never even been lonely. They have people around them and they share those pity feelings with them and they are complaining about this life and loneliness and people listen to them. They are not lonely but they are pitiful. A person who is lonely and who really knows what the loneliness is…well, you will never meet such a person and even if you will you will never realize it.

A reason for mistake

It is when there is no a single person next to you and no such a person who would feel you and who would listen to you. Loneliness it is when you want to go out but you have no one to go with and all you can do is to stay home and keep immersing into your loneliness deeper and deeper. That is what loneliness is and this is the most common reason for making mistakes. There are such people who can’t stand loneliness and it is like a slow death for them and so they are ready to do anything it takes to get rid of that feeling, and it usually takes a lot of mistakes. They are looking for people who can help them feel better, they are looking for people who would fill the gap of their lives but they are too afraid of loneliness to wait for the right one. They grab the first chance they see and they grab the very first person they meet in order to get rid of their loneliness. Though, it is a mistake and instead of get fell better they feel even lonelier because the first one they met appears to be way different from what they really need.

Mittwoch, 22. April 2009

Being a victim of the stay at home mom’s stereotypes

Stay at home moms are always faced with people who place stereotypes on them. There are three different stereotypes that these women get categorised in. The first one involves identifying the stay at home mom as a lady that wears an apron all day and cooks and cleans and runs a perfect home with everything in place. She is portrayed as being the perfect wife and mother with never a hair out of place and always with a dash of makeup. These stereotypes were created predominantly in the 60’s where housewives were all of the above or at least appeared to be. From movies to advertisements this picture of the stay at home mom made us believe that a good housewife had to be perfect.

The other stay at home mom stereotype that was created was the lazy mom lying on the couch watching Dr Phil and days of our lives all day. This type of stereotype portrays a more modern stay at home mom living a middle class life. She does not care much of herself and only does what she has to. As for a perfect home, these stereotypes could not care less.

The last stay at home stereotype is the mom that lives a more privileged lifestyle. Staying in a mansion, she lives off her husbands well earned money. She goes for manicures daily and meets friends for coffee as often as necessary. Never lifting a finger to tidy up, she manages the staff to do this. Still a good mother, she takes the children on shopping trips.

Dienstag, 3. März 2009

Childhood Loneliness

Childhood loneliness is an increasing problem. If you recognize childhood loneliness in your own child it is your responsibility to take steps to help your child learn how to socialize. Childhood loneliness is often the result of not knowing how to engage with other children. The desire to play is innate and natural. Sometimes you have to recognize that a child might need a playmate that is particularly suited to your child’s play style. Intellectual boys generally do not appreciate rough housing with other kids until they learn that it is safe. There is no point in forcing a boy who doesn’t want to wrestle and get rough to play in ways that they are not comfortable with.

Childhood loneliness is a serious problem. When children do not learn how to socialize well when they are young their problems are often exacerbated as they enter school. Setting up play dates with other children that are calm and quiet can help your child start the socialization process. Getting dirty and playing in a rather silly manner with your own child can also help them learn that playing is fun. Children learn from their parents, and serious parents often have serious children. Childhood loneliness is an obvious problem if you are paying attention to the way your child interacts with other children when they are young. When you see childhood loneliness don’t push it off and assume it will work itself out when they start school. Children need socialization before they are tossed into school.

Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009


Have you ever been lonely? Have you ever felt this hollowness? If the answer to this qestion is yes, then I hope you never want it to come back. But nevertheless there are people who like to be alone. Alone, but not lonely. I suppose those people who say they like to be lonely really do not like it. They just once and forever decided that the world is so cruel and hostile that it is better for them to stay alone and never trust to anyone. Poor people they are.
I think, many people, and I am not an exception, are afraid of being lonely in the future, especially in old age. When people are young they are usually active and seldom lonely. Everyone has a couple of friends, dozens of acquaintances. In the wirl of communication we do not think jf ourselves to be lonely.
The most horrible time is when your children have already left home and built up their own families. The things might be still worse if you are divorced or your husband or wife had died. That is where the real loneliness begins. The solution of the problem exists. In many countries people suggest this time to be the best of the whole life as you have nobody but yourself to think about. You can devote all your free time on your favourite hobbies or to take up travelling.

Montag, 2. Februar 2009

Harm of Loneliness

Stress, accelerate the pace of life, mood, loneliness and lack of love - all this takes its network of modern woman, leaving her alone with each other and ... refrigerator. Jam their problems - typically feminine caprice. That is what will make a man, if he leaves the favorite? Right, it will soothe the mountain in the company of friends. A desperate girl? Eat chocolate. One, two dozen ... Then pick up the weight and having shocked at changes in the mirror, decided that «and now I am just no love! » And then revert to a best friend - the refrigerator.
Chocolate bars and cakes - just a temporary replacement of love. No, of course, you can skip a hand to recruit dozens of kilograms, to replace the 42nd in the size of the 52nd. However, the desire to love and be loved still remain. Protect yourself from fat!
Most vulnerable to over-eating are single young women with concerns about their appearance. The absence of love creates vulnerability. An attempt to protect themselves, how to hide deeper personal problems led to the appearance of wrinkles. «Under the thickness of fat, I’m unbeatable» - this idea is hidden in the subconscious.
And yet, according to psychologists, the desire for something and gnaw the mask sexual hunger. A good doctor prescribed would in this case, a kiss for breakfast, passionate embrace for dinner, rather than a kilogram of chocolates.
BEWARE OF hunger
Love suffering brunt of loneliness and self-doubt - that the only reason for increasing the weight (we're not talking about the physiological causes, such as endocrine diseases). You know the feeling of HUGE hunger, thirst to go into the food «bout» problems and harmful, calorie diet? This hunger is not physiological, but rather a sincere, if a drug is selected food. Yes, it fills your stomach, but still does not avoid the emotional emptiness.
Why is this happening? Overeating under stress psychologists explain that people deprived of love, is the most readily available source of pleasure - food. Carbohydrates, like love, sex, forced to stand out in the blood endorphins - hormones of happiness - and we'd like a pound of candies, feel unusual euphoria and carbohydrate «intoxication».