Montag, 11. Januar 2010

They say they are lonely

There are such people in our lives who are like people-complainers. They are complaining about everything in their lives and they are not satisfied with this life and this world and people around them. They say they are lonely and they have no one to talk to and they have no one to share their feelings with and so on and so forth. They say they are lonely and there is no such a person in the world who would be next to them and who would listen to them and the whole stuff. Considering the fact that all of the friends of such a person know this story by heart we may say he or she is lying to himself and to people around. They are lying because they don’t know what the loneliness is and they have never even been lonely. They have people around them and they share those pity feelings with them and they are complaining about this life and loneliness and people listen to them. They are not lonely but they are pitiful. A person who is lonely and who really knows what the loneliness is…well, you will never meet such a person and even if you will you will never realize it.

A reason for mistake

It is when there is no a single person next to you and no such a person who would feel you and who would listen to you. Loneliness it is when you want to go out but you have no one to go with and all you can do is to stay home and keep immersing into your loneliness deeper and deeper. That is what loneliness is and this is the most common reason for making mistakes. There are such people who can’t stand loneliness and it is like a slow death for them and so they are ready to do anything it takes to get rid of that feeling, and it usually takes a lot of mistakes. They are looking for people who can help them feel better, they are looking for people who would fill the gap of their lives but they are too afraid of loneliness to wait for the right one. They grab the first chance they see and they grab the very first person they meet in order to get rid of their loneliness. Though, it is a mistake and instead of get fell better they feel even lonelier because the first one they met appears to be way different from what they really need.